
Category: Water Crisis

South African municipalities collapsing

South Africa Problems Trouble Disaster Warning

South Africa’s ongoing water crisis is emblematic of the turmoil at the local government level, with…

Is tap water in South Africa still safe to drink?

Child drinking water from tap

Water quality scores of towns and cities in South Africa have substantially declined in the last…

Cape Town’s long history of struggling for enough water

Professor Jenny Day is the director of the Freshwater Research Institute. Portrait photo supplied; dam photo: Ashraf Hendricks

Cape Town’s long history of struggling for enough water Science for the People seminar tells the…

Why are there five dams on top of Table Mountain?

The Table Mountain Reservoir

Why are there five dams on top of Table Mountain? The idea of a dam on…

Act now to end South Africa’s water woes

Woman pouring water on ground Qwa Qwa has experienced water shortages over the past few years

South Africa’s water resources are overexploited despite the country being classified as water stressed. The country…

How much it costs to ditch Eskom and municipal water

Off grid house jojo water tank solar panels

South Africans have suffered load-shedding since late 2007, and the country’s water infrastructure is now also…

Preventing SA’s Water Shortages

Water Shortage South Africa

Maintenance and management could save us from running dry Most of South Africa’s current water supply…